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cits_4_pets | all galleries >> Galleries >> Windows & Doors > Arched Top Window
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14-Jun-2009 Themes - Windows

Arched Top Window

#22 on Scavenger List

May: Rossmoor Camera Club, Basic: 1st Place
June: Northern California Council of Camera Clubs (N4C), 1st Place

RCC Annual Competition: 2nd place to my Japanese Anemone:

N4C 2012 Annual Competition: 5th Place

The N4C Annual winning image:

Mrs. Lillipurrs Lodgings

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18
1/100s f/4.5 at 7.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Neil Marcus12-Feb-2022 01:36
Your composition is outstanding. "Big Vote"
Julie Oldfield01-Sep-2018 18:29
Outstanding work! V
Dennis Hoyne01-Sep-2018 02:15
An exceptional composition! BV
Jola Dziubinska01-Sep-2018 01:54
Perfect composition and use of lines and light. Again V.
LynnH01-Sep-2018 01:06
Very nicely composed. Simple and effective. V
carol j. phipps31-Aug-2018 20:05
Lovely composition with the strong lives and subdued light.
jeanb31-Aug-2018 19:42
Beautiful lines and composition.
Mieke WA Minkjan31-Aug-2018 15:16
like it very much V
laine31-Aug-2018 05:11
Love the window and the composition and light...well done. V
Julie Oldfield01-Oct-2016 17:48
Marvelous! V
Tom LeRoy03-Mar-2014 20:36
You have a great eye for effective compositions! Well done!
Sueael08-Aug-2009 03:24
Wow ~ excellent!!
Maaike Huizer11-Jul-2009 07:04
Fabulous indeed. V
Walter Otto Koenig10-Jul-2009 23:10
Great lighting and framing. Very well composed. "V"
Jola Dziubinska01-Jul-2009 13:01
Wonderful composition and use of light/dark areas. V.
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