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Bill Kutcher | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lake Powell / Page, AZ > Navajo Generating Station 3349
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Navajo Generating Station 3349

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Gary Bailey 21-Jan-2010 22:53
If you truly look at all the facts, you will see that Navajo Generating Station is well below the federal and state harmful emissions limit. Yes, SRP should be required to install new technology that improves on harmful emissions. Nuclear? Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station was the top of the line when it was built and still is! Palo Verde for the first 15 years was at the top of the safety concerns list, then the new CEO starting cutting corners on scheduled maintenance and outage work. Now it looks like APS has learned its lesson and using trained Arizona workers instead of fly by night out of state labor. SRP should also take action and hire companies that use trained Arizona labor.
Floyd 01-Dec-2009 19:27
there is no smoke in this photo. all that you can see is steam.
Rob 15-Oct-2009 01:17
If NGS wasn't there then we would have another nuclear plant. Which do you want? Great picture by the way.
Guest 23-Oct-2008 04:37
This operation belches 20 million tons of Co2 per year by burning coal. I once followed a black line of smog from this station while driving 100 miles from Page Az east to Kayenta Az.
Guest 13-Sep-2007 20:56
i dont get the title... so it's a station that generates navajo's?
Guest 29-Aug-2007 14:05
Love the colours. The cloud reminds me of a mini nuclear explosion!
Eric Herbelin19-May-2007 18:32
Nick Vivian03-Apr-2007 22:30
V clever.. love it
Guest 22-Apr-2006 15:15
Oh! Wonderful image! But so surprising this plant in this landscape! Seems like a smoke signal factory!