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Bill Kutcher | all galleries >> Galleries >> Current Show > Horseshoe Bend 1464
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Horseshoe Bend 1464

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Canon EOS 5D
1/8s f/16.0 at 16.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ken Zaret16-Oct-2018 12:39
Great use of the ultra-wide, right at the edge too!
Quy Tran13-Feb-2009 06:05
Very beatiful shot! V
Sandi Whitteker14-Dec-2008 05:47
Gorgeous capture of Horseshoe Bend, and I know how hard that can be.
Guest 11-Oct-2007 16:02
splendid ! Great angle!
Tina of AZ 26-Jun-2007 13:37
Great shot.
Carey Brown12-Mar-2006 00:46
Wow, what great color and detail. V
Guest 10-Nov-2005 18:12
Great perspective, well done!
(Gotta love the full-frame sensor when facing an amazing place like this!)