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Tragopogon porrifolius


Paarse Morgenster -- Purple salsify

ref : EOS-1D Mark II_050604_zaterdag_121038_1303.jpg

Purple Salsify, Tragopogon porrifolius, is one of the most widely known species of the goatsbeard genus. It is also known as Oyster Plant, Vegetable Oyster, or Common Salsify, or simply as Goatsbeard or Salsify - though as these last names are also applied to other members of the genus, or to the genus as a whole, they are better avoided.

Purple Salsify is a common wildflower, native to Mediterranean regions of Europe but introduced elsewhere, for example, into Britain and northern Europe, North America, and southern Africa; in the United States it is now found growing wild in almost every state, including Hawaii, except in the extreme south-east.

The plant grows to around 60cm in height. As in other goatsbeards, its stem is largely unbranched, and the leaves are somewhat grasslike. In Britain it flowers from June to September, but in warmer areas such as California it can be found in bloom from April. The flower head is about 5cm across, and each is surrounded by green bracts which are longer than the petals (technically, the ligules of the ray flowers). The flowers are hermaphrodite, and pollination is by insects.

The root, and sometimes the young shoots, of Purple Salsify are used as a vegetable, and historically the plant was cultivated for that purpose; it is mentioned by classical authors such as Pliny the Elder. However in modern times it has tended to be replaced by Spanish Salsify or Black Salsify as a cultivated crop. Cultivated varieties include 'White French', 'Mammoth Sandwich Island' and 'Improved Mammoth Sandwich Island'; they are generally characterised by larger or better-shaped roots. The root is noted for tasting of oysters, from which the plant derives its alternative name of Oyster Plant; young roots can be grated for use in salads, but older roots are better cooked, and they are usually used in soups or stews. A latex derived from the root can be used as a chewing gum. The flowering shoots can be used like asparagus, either raw or cooked, and the flowers can be added to salad, while the sprouted seeds can be used in salads or sandwiches.

The plant has also been used in herbalism, also since classical times (it is mentioned by Dioscorides), and is claimed to have beneficial effects on the liver and gall bladder. The root is regarded as a diuretic.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon TS-E90mm f/2.8
1/5s f/8.0 at 90.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Antje Schulte04-Aug-2007 20:41
Absolutely beautiful. Great DOF.
John W. Meyers 01-Sep-2006 21:52
I just finished browsing Hans' 'Macro and Flora' gallery. I was quite impressed! The depth of field offered by this tilt & shift lens is extrodinary. You can almost reach in and touch the blossums...but watch the thorns!. Hans, have you tried the TS-
E 24mm f3.5 L? And if so, do you have any pics on display? I particularly liked image 48163397 Jatropha multifida. Two other things I like about your site: the flora taxonomy and the camera / picture information. Keep up your very good work and thank you for sharing it us. Sincerely, John e-mail:
dawn25-Aug-2005 16:15
Guest 04-Jun-2005 20:00
That worked! The image is fantastic!
Hans VR04-Jun-2005 19:51
I don't know what is wrong with Pbase but if you can't see the picture then try a direct link by adding .jpg behind the URL.
Guest 04-Jun-2005 19:36
Hi Hans...I can see the thumbanil but no larger. I wonder if this image is bigger in kilobytes than the others?? Or is it just me? I can others in your gallery, just not this one.
Guest 04-Jun-2005 18:32
Great picture! Looks like that T/s lens is going to be a lot of fun.
Susan 04-Jun-2005 18:27
Perfect !
Stan Bonis04-Jun-2005 17:28
Well done! Don't you just love T/S?