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Jeroen Bosman | all galleries >> SOMEWHAT: anything else >> prize winners and honourable mentions in photo contests > Rail romantics (hon. ment. in Pbase comp.)
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Rail romantics (hon. ment. in Pbase comp.)

Eindhoven, The Netherlands view map

This photo received an honourable mention in the 102nd Show&Tell contest:

FujiFilm FinePix F601Z
1/140s f/4.0 at 9.4mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
dond21-Aug-2009 20:40
The light, the light, it's always about the light. :-)
Carol How05-Jul-2009 18:26
Strong composition with great tones and detail where needed! V
Joel Escala16-May-2009 10:49
Light and shadows in the right amount. Well done! V! Joel
Marisa Livet22-Jun-2008 16:58
A very effective composition and an emotional use of light, definitely there is a lot of atmosphere in this photo!
Steve Morris29-Dec-2007 11:13
Tremendous photo - like people in a Sci Fi movie retuning to the mother ship! Big vote!
silvia marmori28-May-2007 19:26
special light here.. excellent..
a mood in it..
Guest 27-May-2007 01:10
Beautiful shot. Love the sun beam lighting the platform. Voted.
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