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Jeroen Bosman | all galleries >> SOMEWHAT: anything else >> prize winners and honourable mentions in photo contests > winner S&T competition 146: Wide even with tele
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winner S&T competition 146: Wide even with tele

Breithornplateau, Wallis, Switzerland view map

After receiving the 'first and a half' place in the 136th Pbase Show & Tell Competition ( this this image won 146th Pbase Show & Tell Competition: The image was shot from the top of the Kleine Matterhorn.

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Erik Aaseth10-Oct-2010 09:52
Ahh - makes me long for the mountains - again!
This pic really exudes the endless feeling of freedom that you get
when wondering through the vast expanses of such mountainous wilderness.
The feeling of space and high skies, of pristine nature, and the strong sense of belonging...
Which again reminds me of this, taken on one of my own trips in Norway:
Carol How27-Mar-2010 05:55
Superb image and congratulations! V
H. P. Henriksen Starman07-Feb-2010 10:31
Excellent shot - A real winner. I reminds me walking to the top of the nearby Midelhorn. v.
Guest 06-Feb-2010 13:53
Fantastic, Congratulations!
Maaike Huizer02-Feb-2010 11:09
Gefeliciteerd Jeroen. Een terechte winner!!
M Hauss01-Feb-2010 12:32
Congratulations on a very atmospheric shot and a well deserved first place in the Show & Tell contest. v!
Guest 09-Aug-2009 13:32
Beautiful image!
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