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Helen Betts | profile | all galleries >> Around Hungary >> Pécs: Hungary's Culture Capital >> Zsolnay (Porcelain) Museum tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Zsolnay (Porcelain) Museum

Zsolnay Porcelain Manufacturing was established in 1853 and over the years has produced exquisite works of art. It's still operating today, although certainly not on the scale of the past. Zsolnay is headquartered in Pécs, where it also has a museum located in the Zsolnay family's former home. It's not so easy to find this kind of porcelain in Budapest, and this was what prompted our two trips to Pécs. I rarely post items from exhibits, but this collection was so outstanding, I'm putting a selection of things that caught my eye in this gallery. These pieces were produced from around 1878 until after the turn of the century.

Zsolnay architectural ceramics were widely used in the work of famous Hungarian Secession architect Ödön Lechner, one example of which is the Applied Arts Museum and

More information about Zsolnay can be found here and the company's site is at

A fantastic exhibition of Zsolnay can be seen in my gallery
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Fireplace of St. Stephen, Buda Castle
Fireplace of St. Stephen, Buda Castle
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics (portion)
Architectural ceramics (portion)
Altar, Church of Máriafalva
Altar, Church of Máriafalva
Zsolnay Museum entry
Zsolnay Museum entry
Turkish flavor, 1878
Turkish flavor, 1878
Middle Eastern style
Middle Eastern style
Arab influence (1889)
Arab influence (1889)
Ivory technique (ca. 1887)
Ivory technique (ca. 1887)
Shell vase
Shell vase
After the Japanese
After the Japanese
Palmette-decorated vase (1896)
Palmette-decorated vase (1896)
Stylish Art Nouveau
Stylish Art Nouveau
Family treasure
Family treasure
Lovely Art Deco (return visit to the museum)
Lovely Art Deco (return visit to the museum)
The height of iridescence
The height of iridescence
The minutest of details
The minutest of details
Golden iridescence
Golden iridescence
Circles within circles
Circles within circles
Coiled elegance
Coiled elegance
Precious pot
Precious pot
Iridescent gourd
Iridescent gourd
Luminescent vase (1897)
Luminescent vase (1897)
Golden bowl
Golden bowl
Detail rich
Detail rich
Cloud vase
Cloud vase
Tulip garden (1899)
Tulip garden (1899)
Pannonia series (1874-75)
Pannonia series (1874-75)
Flower fantasy
Flower fantasy
Gourd vase, Japanese style (1879)
Gourd vase, Japanese style (1879)
Persian influence (1891)
Persian influence (1891)
Persian influence (ca. 1890)
Persian influence (ca. 1890)
With an Arab twist
With an Arab twist
Faience (1889)
Faience (1889)
At an angle (1887)
At an angle (1887)
'Alhambra Vase' (1884)
'Alhambra Vase' (1884)
Serpentine vase
Serpentine vase
Shades of Imari (Japanese)
Shades of Imari (Japanese)
A bit of China
A bit of China
More of China
More of China
Iron base jug, 1878-79
Iron base jug, 1878-79
Traditional Hungarian
Traditional Hungarian
Garden scene (1878)
Garden scene (1878)
Called 'Persian' (1879-81)
Called 'Persian' (1879-81)
Detail in ivory
Detail in ivory
The original
The original
The copy
The copy
Revisiting architectural ceramics
Revisiting architectural ceramics
Ceramic painting
Ceramic painting
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Slightly skewed architectural ceramics
Slightly skewed architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics, Prague 1898
Architectural ceramics, Prague 1898
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural ceramics
Architectural form vase (1911)
Architectural form vase (1911)
St. Matthias Church candlestick
St. Matthias Church candlestick
A most creative light fixture
A most creative light fixture
'Well with Ducks,' Milan World Exhibition, 1906
'Well with Ducks,' Milan World Exhibition, 1906
Duck well, detail
Duck well, detail
Outdoor ceramics
Outdoor ceramics
Outdoor ceramics
Outdoor ceramics
Zsolnay Eclectic (Hungarian porcelain)
:: Zsolnay Eclectic (Hungarian porcelain) ::
Early flask
Early flask
Geometric vase
Geometric vase
Vase with peacocks
Vase with peacocks
Art Noveau vase
Art Noveau vase
Four elephants
Four elephants
Egyptian motif
Egyptian motif
Golden bird
Golden bird
Egyptian motif
Egyptian motif
Fanciful handle
Fanciful handle
Exquisite bowl
Exquisite bowl
Intricate pitcher
Intricate pitcher
Gear vase
Gear vase
'Jeweled' vase
'Jeweled' vase