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Hank Vander Velde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photos, 2013 > 16 20101215 104 White-tailed Deer .jpg
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15-DEC-2010 Hank v/d Velde

16 20101215 104 White-tailed Deer .jpg

Ottawa West

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Posting 1 of 13 in this SERIES chronicling the life of "The Wounded Buck" "Click" "Next, Next ...." etc, or hit the right arrow on the keyboard, to view all postings in the order posted.

The above is an image of the aspiring “Boss”, formerly known as “The Wounded Buck”. This image was taken in 2010, several weeks after he was seriously wounded by an arrow shot from a crossbow by a suspected poacher. Note the exit wound mark at the top right of his left shoulder.

I and others have been observing this Buck and posting images of him over the past five years. In fact my first image of him is, I think, in 2007 though I am not totally sure if the 2007 image is the same Buck. The ones from 2009 to 2013, before and after he was wounded, are however definitely him.

From a frisky young eight-pointer in 2007 - 2009 to a seriously wounded eight-pointer in November 2009, this Buck is now (2013) a big ten plus-pointer and the undisputed “Boss” of the herd.

Over the following 12 days or so, I propose to post a SERIES of images entitled “A Boss Buck in the Making” in which I will attempt to chronicle the life and progress of this Buck over the past five years.

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Guest 29-Jan-2014 21:17
heb even weer op je fotosite gekeken, mooi hoor maar ik las ergens dat jezelf niet reageert als ik het goed heb begrepen maar dat geeft niet want dan bel ik gewoon mijn lieve neef, groetjes Geert en Janna, alles wel
Lieve Snellings22-Dec-2013 20:53
schitterend !
Milan Vogrin20-Dec-2013 22:32
Very nice!V!
hayl20-Dec-2013 19:56
A great series and a great story - thanks for putting it all together so well.
Claude Gagnon12-Dec-2013 00:59
Beautiful :)) V
Raymond Ladurantaye12-Dec-2013 00:17
Gorgeous and good angle of shot hank!
Ton T.11-Dec-2013 21:07
Zo die is geweldig Hank!! V+
janescottcumming11-Dec-2013 02:44
Len10-Dec-2013 20:35
The buck did well and likewise you to get this shot - cheers Hank!!!!
larose forest photos10-Dec-2013 13:42
This is a beautiful photo of a proud animal. I look forward to seeing your chronicle of his life (and so very glad he survived the attempted poaching).
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe10-Dec-2013 12:45
Wonderful idea.
Dennis Swayze10-Dec-2013 12:30
Great work Hank...looking forward to your other photos from years past.
Cheers !
Stephanie10-Dec-2013 11:34
What a beautiful image of the big cheese! Looking forward to more images and stories about him! :)
CatherineSimard10-Dec-2013 10:18
Beautiful capture Hank of this beautiful Buck!
Bert Ooms10-Dec-2013 07:26
Great story of what might soon be a legendary buck.
Bryan Murahashi10-Dec-2013 05:28
A beautiful Buck and portrait, Hank.
Robert Houde10-Dec-2013 03:51
Wonderful buck indeed for a beautiful shot Hank.
hge5410-Dec-2013 03:37
I love a good saga. Don't make him too famous, or someone will shoot him again.
Jean D10-Dec-2013 02:31
A very handsome and healthy buck. Look forward to seeing your chronicle in the next series, Hank..
Lise De Serres10-Dec-2013 01:48
Very beautiful with a fascinating story!!
Pierre Martin10-Dec-2013 01:04
a fantastic shot Hank
hayl10-Dec-2013 00:58
Terrific planned series. It's not often we get to follow an animal or bird beyond one season.
Jean Chiasson10-Dec-2013 00:38
Beautiful image presentation Hank
Guest 10-Dec-2013 00:05
Great idea Hank. Looking forward to seeing the development of this guy through the years.
Tom Munson09-Dec-2013 23:37
That's terrific that he's still with us, Hank. Looking forward to the series.
Tom LeRoy09-Dec-2013 23:24
So glad that he has recovered from his injury to become this beautiful majestic buck. Looking forward to your picture story book. This image is a superb start! BV
Simon Chandler09-Dec-2013 23:18
Beautifully captured and presented. Great info to make the image more meaning. v
Trent Watts09-Dec-2013 22:27
Lovely Hank. Great on all accounts.
Chris Spracklen09-Dec-2013 22:22
A fine shot of this beautiful animal and a heart-warming story, Hank.
fotabug09-Dec-2013 22:09
Definitely a rreal beauty!
Jim Coffman09-Dec-2013 21:54
Wow, I look forward to seeing these images!! This is a beautiful shot,Hank!
joseantonio09-Dec-2013 21:37
What a fascinating story. I think you had a great idea.
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