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W.D.A. Smith

W.D.A. Smith O.B.E., Jan Gordon's godson, had affectionate memories of the Gordons and took inspiration from their art and storytelling.

Though he didn't play himself, he also had a fascination for the Spanish guitar (the first record I ever heard was of Andrés Segovia). This interest was later taken up more actively by a son and grandson.

W.D.A. Smith was a radar specialist (commander at Staxton Wold from May 1941-February 1942, 181 signals wing in Imphal and Burma), then (after the war) anaesthetist and was president of the Royal Society of Medicine, Anaesthetics.
He travelled in the Caribbean, Central America and North America, but also in Asia, Scandinavia and Europe.
He published articles and books on the history of medicine and enjoyed making art, particularly with scraper board and linocut.

A review of his last book can be found here:

An obituary can be read here (pg. 67):

A wartime excursion in Sikkim is described here:

An El Paso connection across the generations can be found here:
wd1.jpg wd2.jpg wd3.jpg wd4.jpg
wd5.jpg wd6.jpg With sister Pamela (who appears in several sketches by Cora Gordon) at Mesylls WDA 1942.jpg
WDA Darjeeling photograph 1943 On the road between Honduras and Sakatchewan, probably in Belize. The hammock At work, with Jan Gordon's Savernake painting on the wall behind
Moorland Drive Ru & kitten Pash in the window; Adrian in arms. commander back at base.jpg Denis