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Art of Jan and Cora Gordon

My interest in the art and lives of Jan and Cora Gordon stems from:

- the family connection (my father was Jan's godson and the Gordons were friends with my grandparents during and after the First World War);

- from growing up in a house full of Gordons art and listening to stories about them (often involving guitars);

- and from simply enjoying the books (especially when, as in Malaysia, Spain, England, Portugal, France and the USA, I know the places they write about).

The information used in these pages comes from the books themselves; accounts by their contemporaries in London and Paris; from French, English and American newspaper reports; and from the unpublished writings of Ashley Smith, W.D.A. Smith and Jan Gordon.
The Ashley Smith (and other) material was shared with Ken Bryant (who had developed an obsessive interest in the Gordons) by my father and then kindly shared back to me, in the form of my father's letters, by Ken.

Please enjoy a wander through these galleries and follow some of the links, many leading to articles on - a series of well over 200 posts on the Gordons, constituting a great wealth of material unavailable elsewhere.
Jan and Cora Gordon
Jan and Cora Gordon
Jan and Cora Gordon Books
Jan and Cora Gordon Books
Jan Gordon Artworks
Jan Gordon Artworks
Cora Josephine Gordon Artworks
Cora Josephine Gordon Artworks
Jan Gordon WW1 Dazzle
Jan Gordon WW1 Dazzle
Jan and Cora Gordon in England
Jan and Cora Gordon in England
Jan and Cora Gordon in France
Jan and Cora Gordon in France
Jan and Cora Gordon in Spain
Jan and Cora Gordon in Spain
Jan and Cora Gordon in Albania and The Balkans
Jan and Cora Gordon in Albania and The Balkans
Jan and Cora Gordon in America
Jan and Cora Gordon in America
Jan and Cora Gordon in Portugal
Jan and Cora Gordon in Portugal
Obituaries of Jan and Cora Gordon 1944 and 1950
Obituaries of Jan and Cora Gordon 1944 and 1950
Catherine Ives
Catherine Ives
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
W.D.A. Smith
W.D.A. Smith