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Cora Josephine Gordon Artworks

A selection of drawings and paintings made between 1907 and the 1930s is shown here.

In 1934, Cora Gordon recounted the story of the incident that set her on the course of art. "It was the very strange one of winning a blot competition in a well-known women's periodical! As the result of winning that competition. her father allowed her to go to the Slade." See:

Cora was represented in the 1908 Salon des Beaux Arts, Paris:

The Gordons exhibited together publicly from 1909, for example, following their initial small Buxton show, in Ghent ( ) and, in Paris at the 1910 seventh annual Salon de la Gravure Originale en couleurs, Galeries Petit. At this latter show it was reported that "Jan and Mrs. Cora Gordon show several very interesting decorative designs." Cora J. Gordon is mentioned in a "London Letter" of August 8th 1911 in the company of younger artists "rapidly building up reputations through the opportunity" given by the 4th London Salon at the Royal Albert Hall. See:
Colourful portrayals of two early Paris shows can be found in "GRADUS AD .... MONTPARNASSUM" (Blackwoods, March 1929).
A review of artworks shown by Jan and Cora Gordon at the Baillie Gallery in 1912 (a show which also appears in "Gradus ad ..") can be found here:

An entertaining account of en encounter between Cora Gordon and the famous actor Édouard de Max can be read here: During the second of the Paris art shows described in Jan Gordon's "GRADUS AD ... MONTPARNASSUM" (Blackwood's, March 1929, under his "Salis" pseudonym) a lady poetess "swore that De M---, the great French actor, must see Claribel's [Cora Gordon's] drawings. But, alas! De M--- was in bed." The poetess took Cora in a cab to see the actor, along with the more exotic and esoteric of her drawings (according to Jan Gordon, Cora's designs were "mostly of semi-nude dancers making arabesques of themselves to a counter rhythm of draperies and cats.")" She was invited into his bedroom where he sprawled in an orange satin gown. He purchased one of her paintings. A further comment (from December 1913) on Cora's "delicious fantasies" can be found here:

For an account of an early tongue-in-cheek show of modern art in Munich (for their friends at the Künstlerpension Fürmann) see:

Accounts of these and later shows can be found via the following links:
-1908, Salon de Beaux Arts, Paris.
-1912, Baillie Gallery, London.
-1913 (March) Galerie Henri Manuel, Paris.
-1913 (December), Galerie Henri Manuel, Paris.
-1916. Walker's Galleries, London.
-1919, Little Art Rooms, London.
-1921, Burlington Gallery, London.
-1925, XXI Gallery, London.
-1931, XXI (Twenty One) Gallery London.
-1934. Lefevre Galleries, London.
-1934, Coventry Opera House.
-1937. Lefevre Galleries, London.

More paintings by Cora Gordon, from public collections in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Oldham, can be seen here:
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Drawing by Miss C J Turner in The Idler, May 1909, pg 213. Drawing by Miss C J Turner in The Idler, May 1909, pg 216. WDA Smith as a baby, Christmas 1918, by Cora Gordon. Author's collection. Sketch of W.D.A. Smith by Cora Gordon 1918/1919
WDA as a baby, Christmas 1918, by Cora Gordon Baby who would not apologise.jpg Pamela (daughter of Doris) by Cora Sennen Cove by Cora Gordon, a woodcut reproduced in the first volume of The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) 1920.
Cora Gordon drawings, Coterie Magazine, September 1919. Rambla by Cora Gordon, Author's collection Frontispiece of Poor Folk in Spain, A Spanish courtyard. Frontispiece of Two Vagabonds in a French Village
Frontispiece of Two Vagabonds in Albania Frontispiece of Three Lands on Three Wheels Master fiddler.jpg Cora Face 1.jpg
Cora face 2.jpg Cora Gordon sketch 1920s.jpg Jan at home in Clanricarde Gardens, London, painted by Cora. Author's collection. Cora Gordon face doodle 1920s.jpg
In Gjinokastro.jpg In Tirana market.jpg Scutari Bazar.jpg Permeti.jpg
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