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Yu-Lin Chan | all galleries >> Galleries >> From 1209 Queen Street East to 378 Queen Street West > City Hall at Night
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12-DEC-2003 Yu-Lin Chan

City Hall at Night

Toronto City Hall

This image was printed on the December 16, 2006 edition of Ming Pao Chinese Daily.

Toronto City Hall is beautiful at night, especially during the Christmas season.

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Guest 14-Oct-2011 01:20
Beautiful picture! so bright and colorful!
Gordon W14-Jul-2007 12:51
Excellent shot!
Ashley Hockenberry27-Oct-2006 23:26
Guest 29-Apr-2004 02:50
Lovely shot!
Mike Johnson29-Apr-2004 02:47
Great shot
Mark Jones29-Apr-2004 02:44
absolutely striking! I love Toronto!