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Guenter Eh | all galleries >> STREET PHOTOGRAPHY >> Berlin 2008-Moments with Friends > Ade twins - forms a "heart"
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19-AUG-2008 Guenter Eh

Ade twins - forms a "heart"


variety is the spice of life - but always with a smile :)

part of the gallery: Berlin_2008 – Moments with Friends

other sizes: small medium large original auto
J. Scott Coile08-Sep-2008 14:12
Excellent PS work Guenter.
Guest 08-Sep-2008 12:11
Excellent reflection shot ! V
Guest 08-Sep-2008 08:47
Did he switch to TLR too?? ;-)
shatterbug08-Sep-2008 08:09
Top quality shot...superb work, Guenter!
Paco López08-Sep-2008 06:25
Excellent creation!!!! BV!
Martha Albuquerque07-Sep-2008 23:46
{} love it :)
patou07-Sep-2008 21:36
Tres belle composition ( v )
globalgadabout07-Sep-2008 16:35
oops...that should be 'seamless'...for this image commenting twice is appropriate...V
globalgadabout07-Sep-2008 16:34
great fun and seemless the echo...V
María Cano07-Sep-2008 12:39
Smiling always .. -V-
veraferia07-Sep-2008 10:15
Great creation!Friend´s heart!V
Victoria07-Sep-2008 08:32
LOL, wonderful job, love this one so much...very coool
Jaime González07-Sep-2008 08:00
Fantastic work, the power of creativity! -V-
Guest 07-Sep-2008 07:29
Hehe, pretty interesting... voted!
Barbara Heide07-Sep-2008 06:19
lol! love the heart...
Susanne v. Schroeder07-Sep-2008 02:31
What fun - very creative!
FrankB07-Sep-2008 00:23
excellent creation...V
Walter Otto Koenig07-Sep-2008 00:08
Very cool. I like the way the twins share the camera.
Guest 06-Sep-2008 23:55
settler06-Sep-2008 23:25