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Berlin 2008-Moments with Friends

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Thank you Ai Li & Ade for your wonderful company on this unforgettable trip!

one picture is worth ten thousand words... it`s only coke...but it works!° Ade`s  Alter Ego past and present jazzy AL
caught in flagrante ;) Sony Center 1961 - 2008 Man Ray - sold out Papparazzi  AL
The attempt to understand... illusions la Muse de la mort....(the Muse of death) you Ade !   ;) the change
the thrill is gone... Playtime AL  &  AL (bert) puzzled Cool mind - hot shots
Erase!  We have to get know each other better, This WONDERful world of erotic shadows,glancing unlimited all the time around us,ageless heart and four leave clover Calling Rodtschenko
In focus of a genius photographer... Inspiration overflow... A lovin`  spoonful of day dreamin`... ;)  Checkpoint  Charlie Imperfection
research (kind of) sweet child in time... The fraternal kiss (of death) 1945 - 2008 Coffee break
stone mirror fragment of the wall (painted west side) art for sale Passion sharing... the closer you go up...
Ai Li = definitely a 10 for personality the wildlife photographer in the neon mood... easy rider - the new generation chocolate icecream rapture
east side gallery director sunshine in the underground the expel from Eden All of Berlin was conquered by this smile :) sweet memories, thoughts coming back slight as feathers...
after the rain shower... headache caused by yellow... Focusing on a common goal Graceful contemplation Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go to Berlin...
table dancer AL ways HAP HAPPY melting of past and present men in black hungry dragon
lost innocence welcome to the cruel world... Adoring in a distance... A  touch of sunshine... Behind the clouds freedom is boundless...
WW II reminder... hidden lesson passports... symbiosis (kind of)
Freedom for dissidents... makes me think... Ah yeah - I love hip shooting in the underground ;) She is a star! ... not a dark one though! ;) red - stop - it`s playtime
the cold fire of the blue Where have all the flowers gone ? AL as moustache ...he lost 2 teeths... ;) Ade at work
third choice... kiss me* He obviously hates bikers and photographers...  ;) Hey - you looks dizzy - just like finishing your dinner in the dark - eh?!   ;) Harold ?....HAROLD ?....H A R O L D !!!!!!!!
Ade twins - forms a heart Always under high voltage... the world of photography tears of joy camouflage
gallery the muse of death_color version adjusting... Wanna buy this Tee? immigration  service
birds chill-out bathroom sink Berlin characters a splash of red
professionAL underground shooter feeling cheeky... the sound of Berlin the hole in the wall on board...