Molalla, OR ~~ I've been feeding the Mourning Doves in my backyard for about 4 years now. There have been as many as 22 at a time that I have counted. They are one of my favorite birds that come. Anyway, about 2 weeks ago, I noticed that a much larger type of dove (or thought maybe a type of pigeon at the time) started showing up. After looking at this site, I discovered that they are the Eurasian Collared Doves. There must be at least 40 of them coming! lol. They seem to be a very 'flighty' and nervous bird, much like the Mourning Doves appear to be. This is the 1st time I've ever seen any of this bird. I hope the flock doesn't get any bigger. I can't afford to feed them along with all the other birds I feed already. Haha. I must have over 200 birds come a day, and go through 25 lbs. of seed every two days.