Photo Checklist of Oregon Birds
:: Ducks, Geese, and Swans ::
:: Pheasants, Grouse, Quail ::
:: Loons and Grebes ::
:: Albatrosses, Shearwaters, Petrels ::
:: Pelicans and Cormorants ::
:: Herons, Egrets, Ibis ::
:: Hawks, Eagles, Falcons ::
:: Rails and Cranes ::
:: Plovers and Sandpipers ::
:: Gulls and Terns ::
:: Skuas and Jaegers ::
:: Murres, Auklets, Puffins ::
:: Doves ::
:: Owls ::
:: Nighthawks and Swifts ::
:: Hummingbirds ::
:: Kingfishers ::
:: Woodpeckers ::
:: Flycatchers ::
:: Shrikes, Vireos ::
:: Jays and Crows ::
:: Swallows ::
:: Chickadees and Nuthatches ::
:: Wrens and Dippers ::
:: Thrushes, Thrashers ::
:: Starling, Pipits, Waxwings ::
:: Warblers ::
:: Tanagers ::
:: Sparrows and Buntings ::
:: Blackbirds and Orioles ::
:: Finches ::
click on thumbnails for full image