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GP Merfeld | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black & White > Rassle
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Brothers being brothers,
in the ocean at Kamakahonu Bay, Kona, Hawai'i.

2nd Place, Action Photo of the Month
April, 2008, Juried Competition, Photopoints

1st Place, Action Photo of the Month
April, 2008, People's Choice, Photopoints

other sizes: small medium original auto
irislynx23-Jan-2014 18:53
Great action shot!! composure, sharpness ~ perfect! Captures the essence of the activity!! Well done! ~V!
PauloCGama30-Aug-2008 17:29
what a fun! great catch! v
Happypoppeye14-May-2008 03:18
Great action shot. Sharp and nicely composed,Good color tones also. Congrats on the awards (it took me a second to realize the difference between the two), the photo definitely deserves them.
Great work
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad13-Apr-2008 06:46
A great example of brotherly love. Voted