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GP Merfeld | all galleries >> Galleries >> *******Gallery******* Kona Lifestyle > Jungle Ford Truck
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Jungle Ford Truck

South Kona, Hawai'i

1st Place, PBase 172nd Show & Tell Competition, "Out Of Place"

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other sizes: small medium large original auto
Happypoppeye14-Oct-2010 10:35
...belated congrats on the win GP. I've been away for awhile for nice to see you still raking in the commendations. Definitely well deserved and a great shot in itself.
Great work as always.
Andres Sanchez04-Oct-2010 02:58
congrats on being the winner of the 172nd Show and Tell Contest! I loved everything about this picture and it clearly captured the theme of the contest. V!
Guest 07-Dec-2006 12:33
Fabulous fusion!