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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> The New World > Redhead duck
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Redhead duck

Cool's Pond, Vernon, BC

Funny, never seen these ducks before - now they're all over !

Canon EOS 6D
1/400s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don19-May-2021 05:39
That red is a wonderful deep chestnut; handsome indeed.
Jeff Real15-May-2021 13:23
That is one gorgeous redhead!
There is just such a fantastic feeling here and I really enjoy it.
Pierre15-May-2021 10:49
Un très beau portrait de ce joli canard, profitez bien de leur présence! V
carol j. phipps15-May-2021 03:23
Splendid clarity and color. V
Nirvan Hope14-May-2021 21:44
Such a handsome duck in his breeding plumage!
Raymond Ma14-May-2021 04:55
Such beautiful colors and patterns on this duck which I have never seen before. Well taken Gill. V
lou_rozensteins13-May-2021 23:57
Very nice details!
bill friedlander13-May-2021 19:54
Wonderful portrait of the redhead. Its a beauty! V
Ton T.13-May-2021 19:31
In very beautiful light and great subtle tones! V
Walter Otto Koenig13-May-2021 19:09
A wonderful shot with these tones. I like the eye and the look of the water. "V"
Helen Betts13-May-2021 12:27
The color in his head is just gorgeous, and you got a great shot of him. V.
Neil Marcus13-May-2021 12:06
Good highlights where you need them. "V"
John Vass13-May-2021 10:28
Wonderful capture! BV
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)13-May-2021 09:10
Immagine spettacolare.V
danad13-May-2021 07:49
Beautiful light and tones. V.
joseantonio13-May-2021 06:49
love the contrast with the colors in the water.V.
globalgadabout13-May-2021 05:55
perhaps a fresh shipment of Henna has enabled them to show their true colours again, and so become easier to spot...the fantastic portrait is another real feather in your cap..
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