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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro & Other Experiments > Survivor
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Canon EOS 6D
1/100s f/5.0 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Greenberg17-Jul-2020 16:56
This subtly colored, almost mono approach is so elegant and so beautiful. The composition is spot on too. ~BV~
Pierre04-Apr-2020 11:25
Une superbe photo de ce beau souvenir automnal! V
Allan Jay03-Apr-2020 19:26
The singularity message of this composition is awesome!
Carol E Sandgren03-Apr-2020 18:28
Wonderful, Gill! I love the subtle touch you have with post processing. It's a very fitting look and title for today's times!
Marcia Rules03-Apr-2020 14:05
the processing is top:) VV
Patricia Kay03-Apr-2020 11:14
A perfect leaf looking great in mono Gill... beautiful...BV
Fong Lam03-Apr-2020 06:01
So lovely with the subtle light and colors....a very captivating composition..V
Nirvan Hope03-Apr-2020 00:26
Really lovely. Elegant and artistic.
bill friedlander02-Apr-2020 19:45
From the leaf itself to the tangled background it works beautifully. V
globalgadabout02-Apr-2020 16:09
the leaf has indeed remained treatment making the plants all seem to be in motion..
Walter Otto Koenig02-Apr-2020 15:23
Wonderful tones and processing work. I like the title too. "V"
Jeff Real02-Apr-2020 14:33
That's what I want to be!
Yes a thought I meant survivor didn't you?
This is a work of breathtaking beauty!
janescottcumming02-Apr-2020 13:03
I like the composition and the effect! Gorgeous. V
Helen Betts02-Apr-2020 12:52
Great light and treatment for this lone survivor. V.
peterjay4502-Apr-2020 12:14
Neil says it well, it’s a beautiful photo, a Gill.
Neil Marcus02-Apr-2020 12:04
Whatever you do to make this like it is , it's beautiful, Gill. "VV"
danad02-Apr-2020 10:16
A beautiful work ! V.
joseantonio02-Apr-2020 05:32
looks so nice in B/W...V
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