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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Odds and Ends > Celebration.jpg
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Back up and running :)
Thanks for all the good wishes.
Had an op on my jaw which wasn't as bad as I was expecting :)

Canon EOS 6D
1/1000s f/7.1 at 110.0mm iso8000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
cits_4_pets07-Jun-2021 22:07
Love the angle, handling of light, colors and DOF.
593rd Show & Tell Competition: Table Settings - WINNER
John Vass27-Sep-2017 05:33
Being on the mend is always a good reason to celebrate!
Liz Bickel25-Sep-2017 03:14
Lovely image. Very elegant and indeed time to celebrate good times ahead.
peterjay4524-Sep-2017 22:14
Lovely composition and depth of field. Pleased to know you’re recovering well.
1moremile24-Sep-2017 20:29
Looks pretty classy and you deserve it. Nicely done photo. V.
Jean D24-Sep-2017 20:09
Beautiful image of this well prepared table. Hope that you are feeling much better and on the road to recovery. ~V
Walter Otto Koenig24-Sep-2017 16:22
I like the perspective and depth of field. Nice depth of field too. "V"
Glad you're doing ok Gill.
bill friedlander24-Sep-2017 16:05
Nice capture of the formal and elegant table. Glad your back. V
globalgadabout24-Sep-2017 15:46
looks like party time here, and rightly so with the ordeal behind wishes Gill..
Helen Betts24-Sep-2017 14:30
Very nice with those soft colors and repeating forms, and glad to hear you're back! V.
janescottcumming24-Sep-2017 13:21
Very elegant indeed! V
Neil Marcus24-Sep-2017 13:00
I'm glad it is on the mend. This is an elegant table setting, well taken, Gill "V"
Yvonne24-Sep-2017 11:12
Lovely to hear your op wasn't too bad... now the celebration eh! v
barbarajoy24-Sep-2017 09:51
Good to know you are up and well. Worthy of a celebratory line up of champagne Gill! Good perspective and colours. V
Ursula Miller24-Sep-2017 08:21
This is a beautiful composition. I like the perspective and the nice color combinations. It's good that you are up and running again..., Gill! V
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