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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro & Other Experiments > Surreal Willows.jpg
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Surreal Willows.jpg

Some fun PPing

Canon EOS 6D
1/160s f/16.0 at 150.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sam Rua24-Apr-2016 15:29
Wow. That's a very cool effect. It looks 3-D.
janescottcumming17-Dec-2015 20:50
Very nice! V
Don15-Dec-2015 21:04
Treated to wonderful effect, quite beautiful in fact.
Buz Kiefer15-Dec-2015 15:51
Very lovely and delicate. Vote.
Raymond Ma14-Dec-2015 03:20
It almost seems like the branches are frozen in ice and backlit by this wonderful light. Lovely. V
barbarajoy13-Dec-2015 20:58
Wonderful! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos13-Dec-2015 20:33
So creative and artistic work. V.
bill friedlander13-Dec-2015 17:05
The pp works very well, looks almost abstract. V
Marcia Rules13-Dec-2015 16:05
a top-notch slice of art! VV
Walter Otto Koenig13-Dec-2015 16:04
Very creative work. Nice with these tones and lighting. "V"
Jeff Real13-Dec-2015 15:27
You make art that is filled with both beauty and meaning ~V~
peterjay4513-Dec-2015 12:45
This is a beautiful result, Gill. Very creative.
Yvonne13-Dec-2015 09:59
Lovely fun being creative with pp... very effective image Gill. v
Helen Betts13-Dec-2015 06:18
Wow, this is stunning, Gill, and so creatively done. It reminds me of faceted glass. V.
Charlene Ambrose13-Dec-2015 06:14
Excellent! V
joseantonio13-Dec-2015 05:04
Beautiful and lovely light.V.
Neil Marcus13-Dec-2015 04:16
This is good creative work, Gill. "vVv"
Nirvan Hope13-Dec-2015 03:43
Pleasingly creative! Looks like the willow tips are stuck to ice?
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