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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tanzania - a Journey Home > Upper town evening.jpg
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Upper town evening.jpg

Mbeya, Tanzania

An evening shot taken from our balcony at
Hill View Hotel

Canon EOS 6D
1/800s f/6.3 at 125.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
bill friedlander11-Dec-2014 18:51
Wonderful layers and tones. Nice how the tones get lighter the farther you get. V
Tom LeRoy11-Dec-2014 17:45
Soft and beautiful tones, really nice layers and great view~! V
Walter Otto Koenig11-Dec-2014 16:11
Strong atmosphere with these layers and tones. "V"
Alexander Kazakov11-Dec-2014 13:34
Lovely tones! V
Helen Betts11-Dec-2014 07:58
Just beautiful with that light and gradation of color. Toning is exquisite as well. V.
joseantonio11-Dec-2014 04:58
Lovewly light and layers.V
peterjay4511-Dec-2014 03:53
Wonderful tones and layers. Beautiful photo.
Neil Marcus11-Dec-2014 03:53
A pretty balcony view.
Guest 11-Dec-2014 02:35
Lacey tree silhouettes create a poetic image with the soft and muted tones from cream to evening green. Quiet mood. V
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