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Flying Dutchman | all galleries >> Please visit >> Unknown orange/red glow over Pacific Ocean - August 24, 2014 > Landinglights illuminate a thin layer of clouds after passing the lights
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Landinglights illuminate a thin layer of clouds after passing the lights

About 5 minutes after passing the red glow we encountered a thin layer of light clouds. Since we were afraid to enter a possible ash-cloud we switched on the landinglights to see how thick the clouds were and what color it was. We did not encounter any typical ash-cloud indications and after landing we did not notice any damage on the aircraft that could have indicated we encountered ash in flight.

Nikon D800
13s f/2.8 at 10.5mm iso12800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
BleuEvanescence27-Aug-2014 02:44
I can only imagine how concerned you were during that time. This is serious stuff and you had all the reasons in the world to wonder, verify and try to calculate any risk. After all, your own life could have been in potential danger...hier.
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