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Flying Dutchman | all galleries >> Please visit >> Unknown orange/red glow over Pacific Ocean - August 24, 2014 > Glowing lights illuminating the nightly sky
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Glowing lights illuminating the nightly sky

Nikon D800
8s f/2.8 at 10.5mm iso12800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Flying Dutchman25-Feb-2016 19:31
This has been explained a lot of times already; points in the far distance hardly move relative to the aircraft. When you drive on the highway, do you see the moon or stars flash by? The trees do, because they are close. Confirms logic.
stewart 23-Feb-2016 13:26
If these are 8 second exposures then please could you explain how the camera records the stars as sharp pinpoints of light even when these shots are from a vibrating aircraft and are presuably without a tripod.Defies logic.
ingleslenobel27-Aug-2014 18:24
Bit of evidence of posterisation on some of the blobs, I can see why you went for a shorter exposure
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