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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Copenhagen - Mit København > Sortedam Dossering HDR Sunset
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18-APR-2008 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Sortedam Dossering HDR Sunset

Denmark, Copenhagen

Lake Peblinge and Sortedam Dossering in high dynamic range with a speccy sunset!
This shot is heavily post processed. I HDR tone mapped two exposures in Photomatix bringing out details in the clouds and shadows. I altered the water completely using motion blur tool in Photoshop. I also did a lot of dodging and burning in Photoshop to bring out the expression and mood I wanted.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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peterjay4523-Apr-2008 04:08
This is great HDR processing, Flemming. Wonderful colour and dynamic range with just the right amount of contrast to give life to this image. It is a beautiful shot indeed.
Sandi Whitteker21-Apr-2008 05:42
Beautiful scene and sunset colors. Water almost looks like a road.