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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Main Stock Archive >> Panoramas > Frederiksholm Canal Panorama
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09-APR-2008 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Frederiksholm Canal Panorama

Denmark, Copenhagen

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A view of Frederiksholm Canal and surrounding building on an evening with the most amazing glowing red/orange/purple sunset. This was just after rain and hail storms and that's when you get the incredible colours if the sun breaks through the clouds.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/50s f/8.0 iso100, 6 vertical images stitched in PTgui full exif

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Don Mottershead29-Mar-2009 19:01
Lovely colours and composition.
Bernard Bosmans02-Mar-2009 22:41
Fantastic light , great panorama shot. V.
Mikael Larsen26-Jul-2008 08:36
This is one of my favorites. Outstading panorama with soft warm and beautiful light.
peterjay4523-Apr-2008 04:14
Great composition and very tasteful processing, Flemming.
Stefan Schmitz11-Apr-2008 21:12
yes, unique style!
Marisa Livet11-Apr-2008 19:26
Flemming, your views of Copenhagen sky are pictorial.
Your style is unique!
Steve Morris11-Apr-2008 18:16
Lovely composition in those familiar Flemming peach colours that we've come to know and love so well! Vote