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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Travels and Vacations >> Jamestown Rediscovery - Godspeed Cottage > Forgotten
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Summer 2006 Dennis Camp


Williamsburg, Virgina

Going on Vacation for a Week

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Soenda27-Jul-2006 05:47
Makes you wonder just what's behind that closed door. The cobweb is tantilizing. Is there a Ms. Spider lurking nearby, or has she forgotten this door too? Wonderfully stark so that details like the keyhole and paint separation stand out. Very nice indeed.
Renee Lockett21-Jul-2006 12:06
Happy travels. :) Wonderful composition and title.
Guest 21-Jul-2006 10:52
I'm completely and utterly jealous that you found this...beautifully done in every way - except the loss of detail in the white...

have a good trip...
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