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Summer 2006 Dennis Camp


Clermont County Ohio

In mom's arms.

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irislynx27-Feb-2012 00:35
A powerful image, Such Beauty and Innocence and sets a story within!!
GP Merfeld01-Nov-2008 04:54
Powerful and beautiful. One of your finest, IMO...
windybaer13-Nov-2007 06:47
To me personally, I find this disturbing. It conjures images, long forgotten, of a brother,
long ago lost to leukemia. Photographically it is fine, but the hairless head is ....well, too troublesome.. for me.
Photography is a powerful medium. Good luck, and God Bless.
Guest 14-May-2007 10:20
Excellent shot...
Guest 05-Feb-2007 01:42
Wonderful shot!
Guest 14-Nov-2006 03:11
Great Shot!! Reminds me of my son.
Richard Calmes21-Aug-2006 23:27
Excellent shot!
Guest 03-Jun-2006 23:53
Nice image -
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte03-Jun-2006 20:25
A very tender portrait so beautifully composed and photographed
Guest 03-Jun-2006 15:26
a beautiful portrait - especially with his direct gaze - his skin tone is a bit grey...perk it up a bit and this would be very good...
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