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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Our Family Pictures > A Catch
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2003 Photo by Dennis Camp

A Catch

Lakeside Ohio - Dock

Off the Lakeside Ohio Dock

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Mary Bowles07-Nov-2015 06:09
I did not do this justice, Dennis. Had to return.
Everything about this composition is pleasing, from the painted white line of the dock edge, the placement of the young fisherman, far left, the inclusion of the boat, whose mast makes a triangle, and the horizon, skimming the sight line of the nearer figures.
So what with the sharp focus, with all elements having equal importance, weight and balance, and in monochrome too !
Masterly. I wish it were mine.
Mary Bowles07-Nov-2015 05:50
Yes, and a good one.
Cartier-Bresson. Comes to mind.
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