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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Tealtown Home & Gardens - Perintown Ohio > Nature Paint with Light
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November 2011 Dennis Camp

Nature Paint with Light

Tealtown Nature Center

Using a small LED flash light to paint with.
New Moon cloudy dark night.
30 Sec Exposure, 400 Iso, 2.8F 16 MM Fisheye.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Richard Vance28-Nov-2011 12:45
Outstanding application of the technique with a stunning result, Dennis.
Best regards,
regi olbrechts28-Nov-2011 07:43
Great tone and colour Dennis.
Earl Arboneaux 28-Nov-2011 02:24
Very stunning image,great light painting ~V~
Guest 28-Nov-2011 01:18
Beautiful! V.
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