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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Cincinnati Nature Center - Rowe Woods >> Abner Hollow Cabin - The Lotus Pond > Snowy Path To Abner's
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December 19, 2009 Dennis Camp

Snowy Path To Abner's

Abner Hollow Cabin - Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods

Abner Hollow Cabin and Matt's Pond Walkway.
First Snow Fall of 2009
144th Show & Tell Competition Frozen WINNER

other sizes: small medium original auto
Juan Leon17-Dec-2013 21:42
Very well seen Dennis, great image!
Terry Bowker16-Dec-2013 13:12
Great shot Dennis!
Photomf23-May-2012 05:15
GP Merfeld15-Jan-2010 03:33
An extraordinary winter image, with such beautiful tone and composition. Congratulations on First Place, my friend!
viljamix20-Dec-2009 18:59
Impressive zig-zagging lead-in lines of the composition!
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