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The Ellisons | all galleries >> Travel & Trips >> Iran >> Western Iran > Imamzadeh Hossein Holy Shrine / امامزاده حسین
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Imamzadeh Hossein Holy Shrine / امامزاده حسین

Qazvin / قزوین

The Imamzadeh Hossein shrine commemorates Hossein, a son of Imam Reza (765-818 AD), the seventh descendant of the prophet Muhammad. The shrine is from the 16th century, the façade dates from the Qajar period.

The guy with the feather-duster is there to wave it at you when your chador is not worn appropriately (and believe me: it's not easy trying to take pictures AND stop the polyester chador from slipping off at the same time!).

Nikon D7100
1/800s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

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J Ponces21-May-2014 13:32
Stunning! Makes me think how India looked when it did not fall into ruins, as it is now! They copied their architecture from Persia!
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