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David Young | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Many Places of Lenin > Lenin with his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, Moscow
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Lenin with his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, Moscow

I risked death (4 times) and took a 15 Km. bicycle ride up Leninsky Prospect. Well worth the ride I was rewarded with this Lenin sitting in on a park bench with his beautiful (huh?) wife Nadezhda Krupskaya or how she is known in Soviet history simply as “Krupskaya”. The sculptor certainly gave his own interpretation of Nadezhda’s appearance.

This piece sits facing one of the busiest streets in Moscow. I passed this spot once a week for almost two years and I never knew it was there. The Kiosk’s and food carts (Palatka’s) have grown up in front obscuring the artist’s work and the park behind. Such is history.

Canon PowerShot S500
1/125s f/3.5 at 12.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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