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In Box | Ain Dara - Syria - a mound with Neo-Hittite temple | Aleppo (حلب) citadel pictures | Aleppo (حلب) pictures | Amrit pictures - صور حديثة | Arwad pictures (أرواد‎) - a Phoenician settlement | Apamea pictures - Afamia pictures - أفاميا | Baniyas pictures - بانياس | Bosra pictures بصرى‎ | Damascus 13 galleries | Dead cities from Hama | Dead cities near St. Simon church | Deir Ez_Zur pictures - ܕܝܪܐ ܙܥܘܪܬܐ | Deir Semaan - Syria - Monasteries for pilgims to St. Simeon | Hama pictures - حماة‎ | Hama (حماة‎ ) pictures: Festival on day after Ramadan (عيد الف | Hims pictures - Homs pictures - حمص | Jeble - Syria - ancient harbour town with Roman theatre | Latakia pictures - اللَاذِقِيَّة | Mushabbak church - Syria - perfectly preserved 5th century church | Palmyra pictures - تدمر | Palmyra - Bel temple - تدمر | Qalaat al-Husn - Krak des Chevaliers - قلعة الحصن | Qalaat Marqab - Marqab castle pictures قلعة المرقب | Qalaat Saladin or Sahyun - Saladins Castle - Château de Saône | Safita pictures (صا فيتا‎) | Simeon Stylites church pictures | Tartus (طرطوس‎) pictures - Tartous pictures | Ugarit pictures - أوغاريت | Roman theatres in Syria grouped together

Damascus 13 galleries

As late as 2021 I put all galleries of this town into one main category. I am changing sub-galleiers and may change the whole set up.
Damascus National Museum
Damascus National Museum
Citadel and some old town
Citadel and some old town
Souqs and khans in the Old City
Souqs and khans in the Old City
North of the Souqs
North of the Souqs
West and northwest of the citadel
West and northwest of the citadel
From Hijaz going east
From Hijaz going east
Azem Palace or Beit al-Azem - قصر العظم
Azem Palace or Beit al-Azem - قصر العظم
Near Sinan Pasha mosque
Near Sinan Pasha mosque
Christian district and some more
Christian district and some more
Sinan Pasha Mosque to Midan
Sinan Pasha Mosque to Midan
Salihiye quarter
Salihiye quarter
Tekkiye Suleymaniye
Tekkiye Suleymaniye
Umayyad or  Great Mosque
Umayyad or Great Mosque
Damascus april 2009  0411.jpg
Damascus april 2009 0411.jpg
Damascus april 2009  0430.jpg
Damascus april 2009 0430.jpg
Damascus april 2009  0450.jpg
Damascus april 2009 0450.jpg
Damascus april 2009  0461.jpg
Damascus april 2009 0461.jpg
Damascus 2010 9759.jpg
Damascus 2010 9759.jpg