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Dick Osseman | all galleries >> Istanbul >> Museums - Müzeler >> Istanbul archaeology museum >> 2nd Century AD >> Man with comedy mask > Actor in his mask
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Actor in his mask

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Statuette of a man wearing a comedy mask. Bluish marble, Roman. In 1850 it was offered and sold to a French author and photographer, Du Camp, who then stayed in Aydin at the mansion of the governor. Subsequently the governor the governor seized the object claiming it for the state, suggesting that owned anything found in the ground. Du Camp later saw “his” statue again in Istanbul at the Hagia Eirene and managed to have a cast made. From this cast copies were made of which there are several in France, one in bronze is at the Bibliothèque nationale. It seems this was the first time an archaeological find was seized in Turkey.

After some search I found one source claiming it is from the second century, not indicating if this is AD or BC. I think AD is most probable.

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