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Richard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Our Trip to Japan: May, 2014 > Model of the original Todai-ji Temple from 752 c.e. at 1 to 50 scale - massive pagodas on either side are not seen in this photo
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Model of the original Todai-ji Temple from 752 c.e. at 1 to 50 scale - massive pagodas on either side are not seen in this photo

This model is in the Temple's Main Hall, Daibutsuden, in Nara Park in Nara. It was created in the early 1900's
Todai-ji is a Buddhist temple originally built in 752 c.e. The model was reconstructed in 1692 c.e. but only at 2/3 the size of the original temple - still very large. No nails were used in its construction. At first (752 c.e.) Todai-ji was the head temple for all Japanese Buddhist temples. Currently it is the Japanese headquarters for one sect of Buddhism - Kegon.

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