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Donald Verger | all galleries >> Galleries >> 4,000 IMAGES > DSCN9845.JPG
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Nikon Coolpix 8800
1/223s f/7.1 at 15.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Steven Jusczyk26-Nov-2005 09:00
Foreboding sky.
Beverly Wickersham25-Nov-2005 16:42
Beautiful sky. Great colors.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography25-Nov-2005 16:11
Marvelous :)
Neal Nye25-Nov-2005 13:29
Wonderful sunset and a great image to remember Thanksgiving by. Good choice my friend!
Chris25-Nov-2005 10:51
wow - hate to think of ensuing weather. chris
arminb25-Nov-2005 10:27
Very nice sky!