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Don Boyd | profile | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Memories of Old HIALEAH, Florida - Historical Photo Galleries and Commentaries - click on image to view and read >> My old PALM SPRINGS neighborhood - Old and Current Photos Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

My old PALM SPRINGS neighborhood - Old and Current Photos Gallery

We moved to our new home at 5691 W. 9th Lane in June 1957 and I watched the homes going up west of us, along with Palm Springs Junior High one block to the west which opened for the first time in September 1957. The neighborhood around the junior high, now a middle school, has changed significantly over the past 50+ years and I thought other folks from the area would like to see what it looks like today, especially if they haven't been back here for decades after moving out.

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1955 - the Andy and Mary Martinez family's new home at 6305 NW 111th Terrace in Palm Springs
1955 - the Andy and Mary Martinez family's new home at 6305 NW 111th Terrace in Palm Springs
Early 1960's - my home in Hialeah from 1957 to 1966
Early 1960's - my home in Hialeah from 1957 to 1966
Early 1960's - backyard of my home in Hialeah from 1957 to 1966
Early 1960's - backyard of my home in Hialeah from 1957 to 1966
1963 - aerial view of western part of Palm Springs, Palm Springs Estates and areas north of them
1963 - aerial view of western part of Palm Springs, Palm Springs Estates and areas north of them
1963 - who built what  - aerial view of western part of Palm Springs, Palm Springs Estates and areas north (comments below)
1963 - who built what - aerial view of western part of Palm Springs, Palm Springs Estates and areas north (comments below)
1963 - my old Palm Springs neighborhood, W 56th Place to W 60th Street
1963 - my old Palm Springs neighborhood, W 56th Place to W 60th Street
1967 - looking south from my home at 5691 W. 9th Lane
1967 - looking south from my home at 5691 W. 9th Lane
1967 - driveway and carport at 5691 W. 9th Lane
1967 - driveway and carport at 5691 W. 9th Lane
Late 1960's - 5691, 5661, 5631 and 5601 W. 9th Lane, Hialeah
Late 1960's - 5691, 5661, 5631 and 5601 W. 9th Lane, Hialeah
1970 - David A. Hurst's 1957 Chevy at 6120 W. 10th Avenue
1970 - David A. Hurst's 1957 Chevy at 6120 W. 10th Avenue
Mid 1970's - the Palm Springs Junior High neighborhood
Mid 1970's - the Palm Springs Junior High neighborhood
Early 2007 - aerial east to west view of West 9th Lane area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
Early 2007 - aerial east to west view of West 9th Lane area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
Early 2007 - aerial south to north view of West 9th Lane area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
Early 2007 - aerial south to north view of West 9th Lane area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
Early 2007 - aerial west to east view of West 9th Lane area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
Early 2007 - aerial west to east view of West 9th Lane area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
Early 2007 - aerial north to south view of W. 9th Lane, Palm Springs Middle and Dupuis Elementary area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
Early 2007 - aerial north to south view of W. 9th Lane, Palm Springs Middle and Dupuis Elementary area of Palm Springs, Hialeah
West 9th Lane between W. 56 Place (now Street) and W. 58 Street - click on image to enter
West 9th Lane between W. 56 Place (now Street) and W. 58 Street - click on image to enter
West 9th Lane between W. 58 Street and W. 60 Street - click on image to enter
West 9th Lane between W. 58 Street and W. 60 Street - click on image to enter
West 10th Avenue between W. 56 Place (now Street) and W. 60 Street - click on image to enter
West 10th Avenue between W. 56 Place (now Street) and W. 60 Street - click on image to enter
Palm Springs Middle School (former Junior High) and John G. DuPuis Elementary - click on image to enter
Palm Springs Middle School (former Junior High) and John G. DuPuis Elementary - click on image to enter
Looking west on W. 60th Street from 9th Lane  (#1954)
Looking west on W. 60th Street from 9th Lane (#1954)
990 W 56th Street (former Place) - the former Blardinelli home
990 W 56th Street (former Place) - the former Blardinelli home