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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area Tourist and Local ATTRACTIONS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1950's - Miami Jai Alai Fronton on NW 36 Street, Miami
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1950s Courtesy of Daniel Worth

1950's - Miami Jai Alai Fronton on NW 36 Street, Miami

NW 36th Street, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Daniel Worth for contributing this image. Note the huge air raid sirens on top of the right tower, which were exercised every Saturday at noon or 1pm as I recall. Spaced all over the county they could be heard by virtually all of the residents in the county.

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Stephen P Stacy19-Jan-2013 02:02
Saw lots of concerts here in the early 70's including Hendrix (I got to shake his hand), Allman Brothers, Spirit, Ted Nugent, Blues Image, etc.
Lowell Conlan 09-Dec-2008 23:44
Chula and rebote would not be in my vocabulary were it not for many great times trying the perfectas here.
MSH 57
jim winters 20-Jun-2008 06:37
riviera theatre on us1 and red road had one also! 30 seconds every saturday as i recall
Carl 02-Dec-2007 19:12
Carl 1950-1965. Yeah, I remember those sirens. I lived across the street in a trailor park (1950-51, age 7).