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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area RESTAURANTS, Drive-Ins, Bars, Lounges, Liquor Stores, Clubs, Strip Joints, etc. Gallery - All Years - click to view > 1940's - The Derby on NW 1st Street north of the Dade County Courthouse
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18-JUN-2007 Courtesy of Martha Pierson

1940's - The Derby on NW 1st Street north of the Dade County Courthouse

NW 1st Street between Miami Avenue and NW 1st Avenue

Thanks to Martha Pierson for supplying the image. On the left side of the building is "The Derby" offering hot chili. The building contains a paint store, some kind of lumber and T. B. Short Typewriters. The next building to the right has Mae Ro--- Studio of Dancing. This would be between Miami Avenue and NW 1st Avenue since the courthouse is at 44 Flagler Street.

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Guest 29-Jul-2012 15:27
We took dance lessons from Mae Rose when she was on N. Miami Avenue and about 38th Street, on the second floor of a building. My older brother, 2 sisters and I would take the bus from Coconut Grove Elem. and Jr. High, or sometimes my mother took us, to dance classes. My other brother not interested, would play outside with friends. One day he threw a green snake in the window of the studio, it landed on the sliding board and the girls screamed. Eugene (Gene) sure caught heck from our mother and came close to a "whooping". My grandparents had a boarding house on the second floor of the building next door to the Mayflower Restaurant on the corner of N.W. 36th Street and N. Miami Ave. Helen Vaughn Cleveland
Ray30-Sep-2008 02:14
This is actually the second time this building has appeared on this web site.

Look in the lower left, the building with the Mau's? sign. So this building is older than the Court House (1928). By the time this picture was taken, the billboard had been painted over. I checked the current aerial photos... it's gone now. There's a chicken grill there now.

I have a theory... see the higher section in the back of the building? I usually associate that with it being a theater at some point. That's where the backdrops and curtains would be raised into. Maybe that sign was the name of the theater and the sign was there to be seen from the Flagler train station.

Don, if you have the original of the Court House picture, can you blow it up to see the name?


guest 02-Oct-2007 21:50
The Derby was also noted for its famous fish sandwich! What a treat after a long day to sit on one of the stools and 'talk trash' with friends while munching on some of the finest and freshest fish right off old 'pier 5' !
Guest 24-Jun-2007 15:54
Burl Grey
Boy, that's an unbelievable memory!
I had a hot bowl of chili there, and it was so good I actually remember it !
It may have been after WWII, like late 1945.
My Dad had a sign shop just north on 3rd street so it could have been earlier.