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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet > Preserve and Re-open The Miami Marine Stadium (donation sites in comments below the photo)
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9-MAY-2009 Don Boyd

Preserve and Re-open The Miami Marine Stadium (donation sites in comments below the photo)

Miami Marine Stadium, Virginia Key, Florida

Join the Friends of the Miami Marine Stadium at:

The National Trust for Historic Preservation:

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Jeff Levine 13-Oct-2017 02:32
Dear Visitors:

Our dear friend Don Boyd passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 27th after battling pancreatic cancer. Those of us who got to know Don will miss him deeply.

In speaking with his wife (Karen) this evening, she was unsure who would be administering this site in the future, but was open to suggestions.

If you have the time, inclination and desire to keep this site up-to-date as best as possible, please contact Karen through oldmiamimemories(at) gmail (dot) com - perhaps you can be the helping hand she will need.

The site is paid up for a number of years, but right now no one will be monitoring it or adding any photo archives.

Rest in peace, Don...
Tom Burr 24-Aug-2017 19:46
Went to the first boat races they had there.
Don Boyd23-Mar-2016 04:03
Darlene, your comment under this photo about the Naval Dispensary is not appropriate here as it has nothing to do with the Miami Marine Stadium. I have copied and pasted it under the 1940's gallery where far more people will see it, especially those interested in the 1940's. I have also moved your other comment to the 1960's gallery, again because it has nothing to do with the Miami Marine Stadium and it will be seen by more people at the bottom of the '60's gallery.

George Burg 08-Mar-2016 00:32
I saw Queen play the Marine Stadium in 1975, it was so much fun. We snuck in by paddling our surfboards in from a couple hundred yards out, hooked up with friends who had parked their boat in front of the bandstand. Scrambled aboard like wet rats, and partied with them - up front and personal with Freddie Mercury and crew wailing right in front of us. There was a flotilla of boats - a huge rockin party. Much fun was had, and many braincells damaged (laugh). If I recall, tickets were $3, but sneaking in was worth it on principal.
Gary Morris 08-Mar-2013 11:28
My Brother John Morris Played there with his band called Reinfield in the late 60s backed up for the Ted Nugent and the Anboy Dukes and Pacific Gas and Electric. I recall the floating stage
Don Boyd18-Nov-2012 02:41
It was damaged by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and the City of Miami opted not to spend the money to repair it. It was neglected and unprotected for years and vandals and graffiti artists damaged it further. As it turns out it was not damaged structurally as much as originally thought. Hopefully it will re-open and draw crowds of thousands again. The City of Miami messed up royally on this one.

ck 17-Nov-2012 13:44
I worked the Iron Butterfly concert back in the 80's right before it closed. Why did they every close it?
sherry preston mckenney 28-Aug-2012 12:36
i remember seeing the " WHO" there in the 60's! our neighbors whose daughter i had invited,( i won tickets from WFUN,) had a boat, and they dropped us off on the other side,and just walked was fun.later on i saw DEEP PURPLE there! wow,did that stadium rock!!!!!!!