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Mid-1960's Courtesy of Fred Swick

Mid 1960's - WQAM disc jockey Ted Clark on the back of WQAM's Oldies but Goodies record album

Miami, Florida

A big thank you to Fred Swick for contributing this album to me so I could scan it and put it up on this site. Fred lived in Miami from 1949 to 1958 and Hialeah from 1958 to 1970. He now lives in Monroe, Ohio but gets back to Miami every once in a while.

Ted Clark lived in north Hialeah because we followed him one day when he was driving the "Tiger in a Mustang" - he lived in the 800 block of W. 64th Terrace as I recall.

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Tom Johnson 06-Sep-2014 19:04
I remember Ted on WQXI Atlanta, early 1960's. Great guy who taught me a lot about radio production
Guest 14-Jul-2013 01:29
I remember Ted on WJJD in Chicago. He was my favorite DJ. I remember how he used to spell his name out really fast. I used to pretend to be him and do that with my name.
Don Boyd11-Sep-2011 05:55
Patricia, thank you very much for your comments and updating us on where he lives, how old he is now and that he is healthy. Please tell him that he is a part of Miami's history in the 1960's and a whole bunch of people, now all over the country, remember him from his WQAM days.

Guest 11-Sep-2011 02:07
ted clark is living in illinois age 81 and thankfully healthy thank you to all loyal fans listeners of my father over the years daughter patricia from illinois