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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> The Palouse 2017 > Flowing Chocolate
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Flowing Chocolate

Steptoe Butte State Park, WA

Well not really, just bands of dirt among the bands of wheat. Seen from Steptoe Butte near dusk.
B&W Version:
Best viewed at original size.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II ,Olympus M.ZUIKO ED 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO
1/1250s f/7.1 at 170.0mm iso200 with 1.4 TC full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Range View 06-Sep-2017 01:21
Fantastic shot Dan, this is amazing.
Sam Rua30-Aug-2017 02:10
Wonderful comp and capture of these mesmerizing patterns.
Helen Betts29-Aug-2017 23:09
The contours and color are just superb. V.
M Paula Neumann29-Aug-2017 21:18
Amazing shot. Lots of depth with lines, curves and wonderful shadows. V
Dave Petersen Photography29-Aug-2017 19:08
Terrific layers and lines in this amazing image. The light /shadow contrasts make this a most appealing capture. Very impressing landscape and beautifully photographed. VVV
Carol E Sandgren29-Aug-2017 18:11
I love the lines here and how you post processed it to look chocolatey! The composition is aces with the flowing hills and valleys.
pkocinski29-Aug-2017 17:29
Wow - love the curves and lines you've captured!
Neil Marcus29-Aug-2017 16:47
Terrain shifts and wind forces make beautiful flowing lines. "V"
globalgadabout29-Aug-2017 16:29
the amorphous shapes and rich tones are gorgeous to see...excellent work..V
joseantonio29-Aug-2017 15:47
any of your images of that area is just amazing.v
Marland Grove29-Aug-2017 15:39
Love the tones ~v~
danad29-Aug-2017 15:28
This region is really stunning ! Beautiful image. V.
Wim Ensie29-Aug-2017 15:08
Wow I love this shot, briljant work!!!
Jim Coffman29-Aug-2017 14:55
This is one yummy landscape!!
Walter Otto Koenig29-Aug-2017 14:34
Great shot of this amazing landscape. "V"
Nick Paoni29-Aug-2017 14:16
Cool patterns- it looks very abstract-like.