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Damon Lynch | all galleries >> Galleries >> People and places in Iran > Sister and brother - Esfahan
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Sister and brother - Esfahan

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
1/500s f/2.0 at 135.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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GeneWard20-Sep-2015 01:55
An excellent portrait!
Vana 17-Jan-2012 11:08
I like it because the boy's face looks like a painting while the girl's face looks very real.
Jean Chiasson06-Sep-2008 19:11
Wowderful image vote
william mahan02-Sep-2008 00:29

Super portrait!...I love the two faces coming together!
Paul L-R01-Sep-2008 23:22
An incredible image with the main focus being on the girl's face but also the the look of intrigue on the little boy's face. Superb! V