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Della Huff | all galleries >> Boston Stock Images >> Landmarks >> The State House > 3/24: Massachusetts State House at Night
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3/24: Massachusetts State House at Night

The Massachusetts State House is a gorgeous brick and white marble building with a brilliant 23 karat gilded dome. The dome was originally gilded by Paul Revere, back in the late 1700s. This is a handheld capture as I walked from where I live in Beacon Hill down to the bookstore last night.

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/3s f/4.5 at 7.8mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 27-Feb-2007 16:50
Nice shot!
Guest 01-Oct-2006 11:13
Excellent lights!!!
Jim Kramer01-Oct-2006 03:05
stunning image!
Selvin Chance06-Apr-2005 07:58

Nice work.
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