Ballard, Boyt, Buttler BigY Saxon Migration from the North Sea.
R- common ancestor Ballard/Butler
M269>L23>L51>P310>L151>U106>Z2265>BY30097>FTT8>Z381>Z301>L48>Z9>Z30>Z27>Z345>Z2>Z7>Z31>Z8>Z1>Z346>Z343>CTS5601>S20321>S3331>BY145631>BY98853>FT81743> Ballard>BY65797 Butler>FTB47696
Zuid Holland, Utrecht, and Gelderland for an extended period of time
R-Z2, 1756 BCE
R-Z7, 1674 BCE
R-Z31, 1593 BCE
Enters Britannia and remains in the coastal area of the North Sea for hundreds of years. Ramains of ancient Saxon villages have been found.
Area called East Anglia
R-Z8, 948 BCE
R-Z1, 901 BCE
R-Z346, 761 BCE
R-Z343, 697 BCE
R-CTS5601, 596 BCE
Moves slightly inland and north with sibling branches to Lincolnshire
R-S20321, 590 BCE
R-S3331, 468 BCE
R-BY145631, 371 BCE
R-BY98853, 379 BCE
Enters Roman Times:
R-FT81743, 841 CE
Lincoln 3044 was a man who lived between 1040 - 1070 CE during the Medieval Age and was found in the region now known as Lincoln Castle, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England.
The items discovered, including a limestone sarcophagus and a Roman bronze eagle's wing from the first century AD
Migration across the Finn near the Saxon settlement of Petersborough,870%20and%20was%20then%20abandoned.
R-BY65797, 1716 CE
Records of John Ballard to Virginia in the 1600's from Bristol, land records in Nansemond.