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Ron Lutz II | all galleries >> Travels >> Maui, My Seed of Inspiration > 07-10-2005
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10-JUL-2005 Ron Lutz II


After a long hike though the Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area I was able to get a few shots of a Hawaiian Honeycreeper, this one a Apapane, Himatione sanguinea.

This gallery has moved. Please go to my New Maui Gallery.

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
1/200s f/6.7 at 280.0mm iso400 with Flash, +1.4x Extender full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ron Lutz II19-Jul-2005 19:09
Actually this is a very common variety of this type of Honeycreeper. There are some types that are very rare though.
Guest 19-Jul-2005 19:04
wow this is a really rare bird...great is so perfect I thought it was stock!
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