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Irene Firck | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges. So far, so good.... > escaping... (Challenge: "Free Study")
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escaping... (Challenge: "Free Study")

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David Clunas30-Jan-2007 22:41
now that has to be pretty perfect -v-
Roberto Portesani23-Jan-2007 21:16
How is it possible generate a so high level of elegance with so few elements !!!!!! Voted .
Guest 21-Jan-2007 21:47
Absolutely one of the greatest fine abstract picture i've ever seen ! Vote.

Craig Sadler19-Jan-2007 02:08
Beautiful. Pages dancing from a book. How wonderfully creative.

olivier bruning15-Jan-2007 18:04
breathtakingly beautiful! I don't have a clue, but I prefer it that way! big Vote!!
Guest 15-Jan-2007 14:43
Ok, I'm stumped, what is it? From the thumbnail, I thought it was a profile of a high heeled shoe but now it looks like a book with some paper stretched out. Excellent shot, whatever it is ; )
william mahan12-Jan-2007 02:28

Irene: This is so elegant! Your lighting and composition is perfect for this abstract.
Julie Bird02-Jan-2007 00:50
This is wonderful! Very sculptural and elegant. I have absolutely no idea what it is (maybe a cotton reel unrolling?) but I think it is stunning.
Richard Calmes27-Dec-2006 16:53
Beautiful creation! V
Craig Persel23-Dec-2006 19:42
Masterful. Vote.
gary becker23-Dec-2006 15:53
Brilliant ! ! !
Gus Rosenfeld23-Dec-2006 06:58
Stunning concept and execution. So well produced (or, so well UN-produced), one can almost mistake it for smoke escaping confinement. g
Guest 23-Dec-2006 03:13
Hi Irene, I thought this was a fantastic photo and deserved the high placing it took. Very creative for one thing - so much so that I originally had to look for a few seconds to realise what it was. The concept is brilliantly put together - the title is particuarly wonderful as the feeling of escaping is exactly what this conveys. Whether the title or image came first is irrelevant, but they go together so well. This kind of still life is really one of your many strengths - v impressed! V
Barbara Heide22-Dec-2006 20:41
a masterpiece! vote
Gerard Koehl22-Dec-2006 20:34
Oh oui, photo très épuré. J'adore. V