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Cyril PREISS | all galleries >> Algerie / Algeria >> Ruines et Vestiges >> Timgad > Fort Bysantin
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Fort Bysantin

Canon EOS 20D
1/50s f/9.0 at 58.0mm iso100 full exif

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John TYLEE 18-May-2020 19:18
Looking for Martin lown worked with him in Algeria 85-86 I'm an electrician from London
John TYLEE 18-May-2020 19:16
Looking for Martin lown workd with him in Algeria 85-87 my name is John TYLEE I was an electrician from London
JOHN SHERIDAN 12-Jul-2016 06:59
Hi I worked on that contract to I was the only irish man Brendan Sheridan
Neil Smith 02-Sep-2014 06:17
I can help with info on Dave Lown. I worked on the supermarket job in 85 -86. Neil Smith
Neil Smith 02-Sep-2014 06:15
I can help with info on Dave Lown
I worked on the supermarket job in 85 -86. Neil Smith
Sakina 29-Aug-2014 23:57
Hello : l worked there as PA of the manager from 1985 till 1987 in Oran. Do you remember me ? I m living in Paris now.
david jones 10-Dec-2012 20:31
hi all
our paths must have crossed I remember the arch any one know of dave lowns contact mananger, of the supermarket contract we crossed over to tarmac the years have passed so quickly
david jones 10-Dec-2012 20:31
hi all
our paths must have crossed I remember the arch any one know of dave lowns contact mananger, of the supermarket contract we crossed over to tarmac the years have passed so quickly
david jones 05-Jan-2012 09:20
yes like your photos my self worked for baxterfell international super market contract from the desert to oran nice days
david jones 05-Jan-2012 09:20
yes like your photos my self worked for baxterfell international super market contract from the desert to oran nice days
charlie 25-Dec-2007 22:44
i myself worked in algeria at the same time. My concern is i got involved with a local girl' lost contact. Worried about her. Her name is nora hamil a.k.a as sherifa. Possibly with 20 yr old child.
Laurence Cunningham 18-Apr-2006 02:41
Loved your photos. I spent 4 years in Algeria with a construction company (Baxter Fell International) travelling all over Algeria from 1986 to 1990. I have my own photo of myself sitting at the arch. It is one of my favourites in my collection. I lost many more due to my travelling. Keep up the great work

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